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4D Installation

Fractured Time: Sensory Dimensions of the Pandemic explores place-based experiences of home during the pandemic from the perspective of three neurodivergent artists. The multisensory installation fractures and distills meanings of home into visual, tactile, olfactory, and soundscape realms, paying close attention to the connection of storytelling through the senses. The artists invite audience members into their lived spaces, and to experience how stories can be understood through heightened sensory engagement. 


Exhibition Locations


October – December 2023         Create Space, Calgary Public Library, Calgary, AB

November 2023                            Platform Innovation Centre, Platform Calgary, Calgary, AB

April 2023                                      Collision Space, Hunter Hub, UCalgary, AB

March 2023                                   FSW Symposium, UCalgary, AB

July 2022                                        Snyder Institute Conference, Calgary, AB


To see Fractured Time in action, click here for an episode of the University of Calgary's research-to-impact series, Now Innovating, featuring Dr. Sitter.


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